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::my past life diagnosis:: You were female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Sumatra around the year 1675. Your profession was that of a seaman, cook or carpenter. Your brief psychological profile in your past life:As a natural talent in psychology, you knew how to use your opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation.The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:The timid, lonely and self-confident people are everywhere, and your task is to overcome these tendencies in yourself and then to help other people.

Monday, November 08, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

it just gets stranger everyday. amazing the way things are put into perspective. i mean, life for example can be too short for so many people, while others just are dying to die. i guess, life has just about the perfect amount of time given to all of us.

tinatamad na naman ako. tsk.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Saturday, October 02, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

Life is anything but stagnant, so why should you be?

i've read in a TIME magazine a Sony videocam ad about "Nirvana", and it's so enticingly profound that if you're stupid, or profound enough to be carried away, you'd be on your way to the center to grab your own unit in your pyjamas... just to look for your nirvana.

It quotes that Nirvana is "that sense of 'completion' that we find at the end of our search. I'm content in just knowing it exists." In another issue, (not that I was expecting a series) was another quote, "Seeking nirvana - find it in unexpected places. Seek it in faces of people you meet. Search for it in nature, in time, or in what you do. Nirvana is somewhere we all want to get to and many are the ways. How are you getting there?"

This time of my life must be, it seems to me, one of the millions of peaks of my search through random things and events and places and nothingness, my own nirvana. Nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana nirvana. How hard would it have to be if it were so simple. Just like any word, if pronounced repetitively, it gradually loses its meaning, until it becomes just a WORD. Nothing else. A combination of letters and spaces. But would you really have to work for it? If you don't struggle or at least try, will it ever come along?

Is it death that punctuates the end of that search? Is death what we are searching for? If not death, then when we find our own nirvanas (whatever it may be, or if we ever find it; can we die without at least knowing?!) without having to die yet, what happens after that? Will it be eternal (until death) happiness, or shall it be called NIRVANA, and then we could just wait till the moment we die, which could also mean boredom, because there'd be no more suffering? And if ever there would be some more suffering, it wouldn't matter because we've seen and experienced what we came to live here for? Will we know if we found our Nirvana?

What kind of mind is this? Full and empty. For all I know and care for, it's our own religion and FAITH that could answer all of this, and i'm aware of that. Faith, are you bought nowadays?

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Saturday, September 25, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.


oo, kailangan kita.
e anu ngayon? sa yo?

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Friday, September 24, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

Nobody knows what I'm going through. Nobody realizes the feeling. Not even him. Nobody uderstands. NOBODY.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Thursday, September 23, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

2 am. It's funny to look back on something that completely refreshes your memory. It's sad that right now i'm making the least memory anybody could ever have. 5th month not on the job. It's getting worse than post-graduation when you don't know what job you want to go first. Now, I don't know where to go. And if anybody could ever beat having the consciousness of how random things will be going for me, then praise you.

Saw a documentary on suicide, and the cadavers were shown being dissected and autopsied. As strong as my imagination could get me, even unintentionally and unwillingly, I saw ME being checked out by the funeral guy. Then an actress who loser-ly attempted to commit suicide said she didn't wanna die anymore, coz it felt so alone, sad, and desperate. I concluded i'm slowly committing suicide. kidding. maybe i actually am, but i don't feel so desperate about getting a job. I feel desperate bout not having anything to do.

i quietly play in my mind how i should be in the interviews as soon as i actively search for my next job. i was imagining i would tell the hr people or whoever about the new perspectives i've developed through the months i haven't had work. that though i grew so tired of my previous job that led me to resign (and if they fire me with questions like i can always get tired when at work), i could tell them it's all about this new perspective about work that won't probably make me feel tired. and i feel honest about it.

oh why do i always get lazy about expressing thoughts in my brain that i so depressingly want to let out.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Tuesday, September 21, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

went to the gym. god it felt hard coming back to working out. it made me feel like my body's feeling heavy, without me gaining weight. it's more of the pull of gravity from the sofa from watching tv that turned me into a vegetable.

finally had my clearance signed by joy, cybertron's operations manager. 4 months after I resigned. cool. saw clare, margaux, jedda, miggs, and everyone else that was left behind. here is what i felt when I was with the circle tonight: not totally uneasy, but quite, due to the sameness of what was being talked about during smoke breaks -- other people. quite uneasy of the uneasiness my joblessness implied, or at least tried. And it was supposed to be definitely depressing and frustrating, but deeper than the idleness i felt inside was a nice quiet. something was trying to hold on to what I ought to have realized, or perhaps i already have. damn! it's hard to change.

If only it weren't IMPERATIVE...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Monday, September 20, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

In some ways, this kind of aloneness gives yet another certain level of consciousness. As this aloneness is combined with joblessness, lesser responsibility towards people I don't know, and more focus on things I should (among everything) be mostly focused on, it brings me into another level of awareness. At least now, I'm less worried about calumny thrown out by significantly clueless people. It's been one of several bad concerns of people living nowadays. Now, there's really no need to wallow on bad judgments, even on the good ones. It all depends on me. And this is just for the record. It's time to stop even talking about it.

Living in wonder is very exciting. Just don't let it further into the bones. It might kill. You or others. Nonetheless, thou shalt not commit murder.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Thursday, August 19, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

FLUID is the memory of your eyes looking at mine,
flowing right straight to the depths of my restless and hopeful soul.
Fluid is the longing and sleepless nights i spend in my bed,
raining with salt that has to be changed moment after moment.
Fluid is my thoughts of you.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Wednesday, August 04, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

I look at you and wonder:

How does it feel to cry from your eyes?
What does your nose feel when you have to sneeze and wipe it with hanky?
How is it to chew food with your mouth,
to grind it with your teeth,
to dissolve it by your saliva,
to swallow it through your throat,
to digest it inside?
How would it hurt for a needle to prick your skin, any part of it, or sensitively on particular parts?
How relative would feelings be?
How irrelevant would your thoughts get, compared to my thoughts of you.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sunday, August 01, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

listening to music and thinking of anything to do, while doodling on the computer, stuff that only bored people do. trying to extinguish the incoming loneliness that will envelope the night as solitude takes on another moment, which by the way happens night after night after night. always thinking of planning and moving forward and surprising everyone after a while of not being seen, but it's only how far it can go. as for delayed plans, these will still push through. okay.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Monday, July 05, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

There isn't really much to say, except that, I still think... a lot. Though it isn't as bad as I thought I should have been thinking of so many and complicated things. I thought, I might as well put this sometimes-overboard-meditation into good use, and think that it's rather healthy.

Some of the important things that happened this week: July 1 at 4:30am, broke up with Wayne and realized that yes, loving someone is more of a chance than a choice. If it were a choice, then I'd be indeed going round and round in circles. Though this time, it hurt. Maybe it hurt when it was time for me to leave Noel and Judes, but hell was it easy to forget.

I felt so tired. Really tired. Tired of trying. Of taking chances. Thinking THIS COULD BE IT. It's time to give myself bigger challenges. Something appropriate for my age. I should take my time.

Saturday, watched a pink film at the UP film center. It was the most dragging art film I've ever seen in my entire life. "Love is colder than Death". The movie itself was even colder. That wasn't the point, though. It was a time for yet another...but good...meditation. God I miss Mommy. So much.

Went to BED, met up with Marv, and Demo and Gil. Got bored and went home after an hour or two. It was one of the most vague feelings to have in the club. Numbness and boredom. In easy terms, loneliness...again. I miss Wayne.

Oh! June 29. Tuesday. First birthday without her. We went to Tagaytay. Had brunch at Sonya's garden, where we almost became goats. Then off to the People's Park in the Sky, which amidst the hard rain and wind, was marvelous. Then played bowling, and I beat them both! I had fun.

What's next...

Monday, July 05, 2004

Saturday, July 03, 2004  

How to make a francis kevin

1 part intelligence

1 part ambition

5 parts beauty
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Saturday, June 12, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

what happens when you realize you have to be realistic and let go of things you want to believe in so strongly, and start to practice being realistic and let go of things that would make you suffer, without knowing in the end how it would be...and what's the end of it all? when is the end, the end? How long is waiting supposed to take?

You find yourself comfortable and happy, and maybe, in love with someone, while somebody else has become your sudden hang-up who by the way is messing up the whole thing.

No matter how decided you feel you are to work out this thing you've put yourself again into, all you just have to do is stop all the thinking and just keep yourself busy with things that would make you more productive and happier.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Sunday, May 30, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

and then i met jay. another j. it's kinda funny to think that you can only do so much.. yah you can try harder, but what's it's worth really? sometimes it's indeed a matter of right timing, not about the right person. nah. never.

now i feel so involved with jay's family, and i haven't gone home from baguio. sometimes, you would like to stop analyzing too much, or at the very least, even try to analyze at all.

Jay's nice. At least it seems he has no hangups.. so far. And he looks responsible. has character. And likes, if not yet loves, or has learned to love me. I think of Jom, yes, but should this make me feel guilty? I mean, things can be learned, even through "not" hard ways.

How long will this state of mind last, and what will happen with the way things are dealt with nowadays?

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Thursday, May 27, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

J.S. Jose

You gave me a reason to love again.
You made my life turn back to where it was vulnerable and delicate, and naive, and weak.
You looked at me with the look that says, it's hard, but I should carry on because it's worth another roller-coaster ride and more cliches.
You told me you're in a relationship, and I usually give up on taken and straight people. Yet you're such a challenge. Then, you're not a challenge anymore, but my life.
You cause me fluster and daze in all that I do, until I hear your voice again, and get more flustered and confused.
You want me to look for you, and I start, but still left with the feeling of suspense, not knowing why I should search.
You talk to me for hours and hours that only seem moments to me. I hate the phone. I hate pickin up the phone. I hate talking on the phone. But I love you.
I hate you. I do.
It makes me love you.

You start to ruin my plans, my focus, my center. You were not my center. I had no center. You aren't supposed to be my center, because you've been a center somewhere else. A center of someone else. And all I can hope for is that he loses his focus, and you'll see and feel it, and come to me and be my center.
I start searching, and waiting, and hoping. I am hopeful.
I thought I needed you.
Now I know.
I do.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Wednesday, April 21, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

"I can't believe I was in Boracay!"

...again. I know I could still be, if I want to.

Cool sand, clear waters you'd want to dip in the whole day and night, bright sun, long walks, adorable dogs to play with (Friday!), beautiful people (because they're interesting), great food, fantastic view, lovely lovely wind, absolutely indescribable dinner under the stars, wonderful friends, funny funny chats, endless laughters, dusk till dawn booze, fascinating conversations, cancelled inhibitions, incomparable tranquility, incredible school of fish you can feed...JUST FEW of the things that'd overwhelm a human being.

There's just about ample breeze that I will never be able to get enough of forever, pretty much like L-O-V-E. Keeps your longing for it, no matter how much more of it you're asking. And... daaamn! Such irony to say that the air takes my breath away, EVERYTIME. Like no other.

I decide to take it with me, since I know that I will miss it and come back for some more. Then I thought, I could bring just a little bit of it along wherever I go.

In realization to all that's been, that are, and will be, there's indeed a point when everything just falls into place, and I suddenly find serenity in my surroundings. Nothing could ever, ever compare to the calmness and stillness and lightness it brings to my personhood. The peacefulness...oh, this can never be stressed enough...the peace just covers up for every hurt, every wound, every pain, and anything that you can imagine you can harm yourself through. CATHARSIS.

Mothers give you life and ARE your life. My mom is my life, and she gave it to me, maybe not EXACTLY THE WAY anyone would've wanted, but surprises are the best things on earth. I love her more than anything. I mean this. And it's not gratitude, but no words can describe how thankful (also a small way to word it) I am. It's just so inscrutable, that I hate it, knowing there are millions and millions more of words than sand in the ocean, and still I can't find the term.

I don't know what's gonna happen next (like anybody does), but in all my efforts to sustain this state of mind and condition, I'll definitely fight and win.

All I'm trying to say perhaps, is that, I'M HAPPY.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Friday, April 09, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

did someone just say my life was interesting, or did i say it to myself? hey dude, or dudette? =) there's no way for me to contact you but if ever you get to read this, please shoot me mail at frakeshab@yahoo.com. And thanks.

Maybe your life is, too.


Friday, April 09, 2004

funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

and then, one fine day (which is not exactly just ONE day), you decide to give yourself a chance again. Like, when no one is watching, not even yourself, you suddenly say "YES" to something that you haD decided to stay away from, isolate yourself, and dreaded to the max until it came to that point that you thought you'd never have to suffer from again.

This time, though, it didn't feel like zero again, like ooopppS!!!! i did it again shit, without me knowing it and then doubt all the way from when it started until it ends. Honestly that's boring: a typical love story for people who thought they've learned every lesson in the past and are scared to give themselves away all over, for the mentality that this next one might end sooner or later anyway, 'so I have to be careful and wise'. and so it DOES end.

Of course, IT's NOT WRONG. I'm just saying, I want to do it another way. And maybe, it'd turn out better than how it's treated usually.

I want to offer myself with my whole heart (as much as possible) without the inhibitions that I've taken from the past, because this is something new, and nothing could be fairer than having a clean slate and putting faith in all things that are around you, because that is simply what they deserve. They deserve every drop of loyalty and friendship and love you can provide, because. BECAUSE.

So maybe, just maybe, I had been doing too much thinking and analyzing and interpreting things on my own, maybe with others too. But since I want the multiplicity of things and all NEW possibilities i could learn the heck out of my life from, that NOONE COULD NEVER, EVER, EVER even START TO IMAGINE is like...

...bring it on

... 'coz i could never be more ready than an excited sky diver that just leaped off the deck..

We have to earn silence, then, to work for it: to make it
not an absence but a presence; not emptiness but repletion.
--Pico Iyer, "The Eloquent Sounds of Silence"

Friday, April 09, 2004

Friday, April 02, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

Imagine yourself sitting where you are, just sitting, and you are here with me. Just stay still. Quiet.

It’s so still.

It’s so tranquil in the parking area beside the mall. It’s 2:30 and there’s no one around. No people; just the two of us. Just us, this vast space, our pack of cigarettes, your leftover mocha frap, the dead mall-building, and of course, the sky.

The moon is the light.

There are occasional shooting stars that would amaze anyone who catches it dart aimlessly into cosmic space until it disappears (seeming like it’s injected to a pillow until you don’t know where it went, and you conclude it just traveled to another dimension through a warp, probably). Three of them amazed us. Just feel the stillness; be conscious of your weight, feel the cool breeze swathe you over and conceal you from the other winds (as much as you don’t like missing any of it).

Stay that way for a short while. Just keep on feeling the wind, the cool draft that envelopes you over and over, like it makes you want to stay that way forever.

And then, imagine your hour is still how the hour goes at its pace. This time though, the hour that you know only applies from the strand of your hair, to the surface of your skin, in your head. Same goes with mine. All else’s hour runs only for a minute, such that they consider a full hour what is only a minute for us. So we stay still, sitting in front of each other while counting our hour, but at the same time counting the hour around us.

It becomes daytime in an instant and the sky transitioned from deep blue to a lighter one to red orange to bright yellow like a force just wiped the colors away until the sun in all its dominance made everything visible. People start rushing like fast-forwarded videos, cars flashing in front of our faces that they almost become rays of light because their hours are short, and ours not. So we stay still.

We stay still until it’s night again for everyone, and we on our next hour.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Thursday, March 11, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

When I was there in that dark place you're in (and I sure still visit sometimes), my tendencies took me to the darker places, because it's more real, more interesting, more exciting. I'm happy that in my life I had the courage to see more of what's real, because it's why I have more hope. I won't encourage you to search for the light as soon as you wish, because, like love, having it at the most unexpected moment is incomparable bliss. Rather, keep still, nourish the moment of suffering, take a really good, long-lasting taste of putting up with it... and grow.

You don't know what to speak of, not really because what you feel is unspeakable, but because you're not sure who to trust, if trust at all. It's perfectly alright if you decide to keep it to yourself, if there's no one there to understand, and/or help you understand. Sometimes, it's much better to try to comprehend by yourself, and you get to discover yourself much better if you search for the answers on your own. You feel this stage is forever, but somewhere in your heart, something tells you that in a way or two, you'll get through this AFTER ALL. And you will.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Tuesday, March 02, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

"Look wise, say nothing and grunt, speech was given to conceal thought."

Pleonasm is nothing. It's more thoughtless than a thought. Words just aren't enough to explain things. Not even a raffish being who babbles to death could express his thoughts, until only God knows when.

Come to think of it, judgment only keeps us from understanding each other. That's hard. How far can our conversations go that our limited time would allow to want to understand first until we do as we THINK we have, before wanting to be understood? Until then, it's best to grunt and conceal thoughts.

Sometimes it's hard to accept that we're understood. But that doesn't change the fact that we were. On the contrary, feeling understood is one of the easiest to accept. Sometimes even, we relieve ourselves of the worry that we aren't understood to avoid the hassles of making them understand. But who wouldn't hope that at least ONE would?

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Tuesday, February 03, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

january 30ish. i cried. i cried for helplessness. i cried of anger. of fear. of the sadness. of bitter pains. i wept because i felt sorry that she's sick and asked myself if she's been happy? i cried on my bed. i salted the bath. my face was wet. i cried and cried some more. i cried hard.

i cried... again.

and then i found how easy my life was. how trivial the other problems were supposed to be. how stupidly i felt that i couldn't overcome the little crisis. how i've been selfish with my life and have nobody take it from ME. how happy i'm supposed to be.

i found the things i should do.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Thursday, January 29, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

i just ran through a bit of what i last wrote. i guess i won't have enough time to do what i like to do in this lifetime.

watched k-pax a couple of weeks ago, starring kevin spacey, and kevin (as prot) said that life is but a cycle of everything that you've done in one of your lifetimes, that will keep on repeating. whatever you did will be what you'll be doing over and over...and over..and over. So everything that you do in your life, will be what you will do forever.

i guess 'this' ain't the best storyline i'd ever want to have my life to follow. i easily admit things that i am, and i'm not. i think this is the first time though, that, in everything that i've gone through in my life, i will admit that i'm still weak. and i'm so damn clueless!! and it's not easy. i am getting tired and tired of everything that's been happening in my little stupid cynical life. i've had to know that it was just miniscule fragments in my life that i have been obtusely believing that i have become strong on.. now i'm not even sure if i really am, or simply just being a coward. I was talking about love anyway. and maybe a little of career confidence if i may call it. or not even.

Slowly, ... really slowly...unfortunately slowly... i'm becoming to see more slices that i'm gonna have to take part of to make me call this..life. not necessarily favorable, nor unpleasant. i just feel like it's being too late (i guess this is my too late in every story where someone has to be sorry for not knowing what he should have known before it was late), that i've started to gullibly realize that i'm part of a bigger picture. that i have other things to look at aside from what i see. that i have other concerns to take care of while i've been busy getting bored over the same issues that come past me.

and now that i sort of know.... i hope it's over. no matter how everybody knows it doesn't and never work that way. i hope it's over and done with.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Wednesday, January 14, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

i'm walking alone around the mall, and after having watched a film like liveshow, it gets me to look at all the faces that move around me. I wonder what kind of life they have. I want to talk to them randomly and ask if they're okay. I wanna sit down with someone who has some stories to share. I kinda' get to thinking that I wanna know their story. What has been the peak of their lives so far. What do they want to do before they die?

What kind of job has this kind of nature? I guess I wanna be a philanthropist.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Saturday, January 03, 2004  
i had this weird dream that i was at war, as a soldier.
and i can't remember all the details, since the dream made me wake up late that caused me to come in late for work. just that there were people who died, all men of course,
and i tried not to get hit by the bombs. Learned some tactics, and also noticed all the guys were cute.
I'm not sure if it were in the same plot, but i think there were scenes of sex (how could it ever be missed).
Yes! sex with Rico Gonzales? from work, and some other guys. THIS WAS A DREAM.
Really strange.

Oh well. it was just so unpredictable amidst all the plans for the year. Hmm.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

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