mixture of my mind
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::my past life diagnosis:: You were female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Sumatra around the year 1675. Your profession was that of a seaman, cook or carpenter. Your brief psychological profile in your past life:As a natural talent in psychology, you knew how to use your opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation.The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:The timid, lonely and self-confident people are everywhere, and your task is to overcome these tendencies in yourself and then to help other people.

Saturday, January 03, 2004  
i had this weird dream that i was at war, as a soldier.
and i can't remember all the details, since the dream made me wake up late that caused me to come in late for work. just that there were people who died, all men of course,
and i tried not to get hit by the bombs. Learned some tactics, and also noticed all the guys were cute.
I'm not sure if it were in the same plot, but i think there were scenes of sex (how could it ever be missed).
Yes! sex with Rico Gonzales? from work, and some other guys. THIS WAS A DREAM.
Really strange.

Oh well. it was just so unpredictable amidst all the plans for the year. Hmm.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

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