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::my past life diagnosis:: You were female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Sumatra around the year 1675. Your profession was that of a seaman, cook or carpenter. Your brief psychological profile in your past life:As a natural talent in psychology, you knew how to use your opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation.The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:The timid, lonely and self-confident people are everywhere, and your task is to overcome these tendencies in yourself and then to help other people.

Thursday, January 29, 2004  
funny completely to something look back on memory that your refreshes.

i just ran through a bit of what i last wrote. i guess i won't have enough time to do what i like to do in this lifetime.

watched k-pax a couple of weeks ago, starring kevin spacey, and kevin (as prot) said that life is but a cycle of everything that you've done in one of your lifetimes, that will keep on repeating. whatever you did will be what you'll be doing over and over...and over..and over. So everything that you do in your life, will be what you will do forever.

i guess 'this' ain't the best storyline i'd ever want to have my life to follow. i easily admit things that i am, and i'm not. i think this is the first time though, that, in everything that i've gone through in my life, i will admit that i'm still weak. and i'm so damn clueless!! and it's not easy. i am getting tired and tired of everything that's been happening in my little stupid cynical life. i've had to know that it was just miniscule fragments in my life that i have been obtusely believing that i have become strong on.. now i'm not even sure if i really am, or simply just being a coward. I was talking about love anyway. and maybe a little of career confidence if i may call it. or not even.

Slowly, ... really slowly...unfortunately slowly... i'm becoming to see more slices that i'm gonna have to take part of to make me call this..life. not necessarily favorable, nor unpleasant. i just feel like it's being too late (i guess this is my too late in every story where someone has to be sorry for not knowing what he should have known before it was late), that i've started to gullibly realize that i'm part of a bigger picture. that i have other things to look at aside from what i see. that i have other concerns to take care of while i've been busy getting bored over the same issues that come past me.

and now that i sort of know.... i hope it's over. no matter how everybody knows it doesn't and never work that way. i hope it's over and done with.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

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